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Design Structure Matrices (DSM) and assumptions about properties in Mechatronic System Models – E-Book
Schriftenreihe Advances in Mechatronics, Band 46

€ 15,00
ISBN 978-3-99062-916-1
Artikelnummer 20590461
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228 Seiten
Alfred Sadlauer
Aus dem Inhalt
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Multidisciplinarity and uncertainty in product development
- 3. Reflections on potential improvements of the MSM approach
- 4. Basic Concept
- 5. Hypotheses validation through design experiments
- 6. Further extensions to the MSM approach
- 7. Conclusion
- A. Appendix A: Questionnaire for small and medium sized companies
- B. Appendix B: Datamanagement background
- C. Appendix C: Experiment documents, data
Ihr persönlicher Kontakt
Noemi Tifan
In this book, the Mechatronic System Model (MSM) approach is enhanced by the usage of Design Structure Matrices (DSM) as an alternative to SysML along with a strategy regarding the documentation and propagation of assumptions to better identify the ideal iteration return points. These aforementioned adaptations have been applied in a design study of an antibruxism device. In addition, the adaptations to the MSM approach have been tested in design experiments with two different design tasks. The first task was a redesign of a robot with two different system representations. The second task was to iteratively find a successful solution for a Moon lander simulation.